Friday, June 6, 2014

June 2014 on the Veranda

Dear Bookclub,
Despite our small rotation about the table, the sun could not be inhibited and insisted on being very present on the Veranda for our late afternoon 'tea'. Thankfully, none of us experienced any phengophobia. A bright, beautiful setting, we enjoyed the environs of the golf course view and set about discussing "My Age of Anxiety". Tiptoeing around the topic of emetophobia, we delicately ordered light dinners, and stayed grounded in our chairs, safe from crash landings or toppling over cliffs.

Ultimately, we agreed we were grateful to have not experienced Stossel's levels of anxiety.

Trudy suggested three great titles for an upcoming selection:

"Astonish Me" by Maggie Shipstead
"The Interestings" by Meg Wolitzer
"Tell the Wolves I'm Home: A Novel" by Carol Rifka Brunt   *chosen

At one point, I'm sure we were a lovely sight of boorish women, noses in tiny phone screens, pecking away with pointy, frenzied fingers trying to bookmark our blog and checking out the parlor game invented by Val of reading the last and lowest ranked reviews. Good reads, those reviews! Fakes can be real bombers and there is an art to spotting them... wonderful; a new time waster. I wonder if they will publish a book of them... guess who would probably buy it.

Gear up for the next selection: Donna Tartt's "The Goldfinch". Wanda, where shall we go... Park Aveneue?

Happy Reading!

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