Monday, September 11, 2017

September 2017 Recap

"What you don't know would make a great book."
Sydney Smith

Dear Bookclub,
A reprieve from the heat while being enveloped in a perfect setting at the Maderas Grill, set the stage for a most enjoyable bookclub. Val, we missed you! It truly was so pleasant.

"History of Wolves" delivered good discussion as anticipated. The descriptions and character developments were much appreciated; some parts - the creepy teacher specifically, had questionable relevance.

Mary Baker Eddy

Wondering about Church of Christian Science, I found much information on both the official website and our beloved Wikipedia:,_Scientist

Après lunch meeting of the minds

"Before We Were Yours" by Lisa Wingate was chosen for our February selection.

Up next: John Kaag's "American Philosophy".

Thoughtful reading,

Saturday, September 2, 2017

September 2017 Bookclub News

 "To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting."  Edmund Burke


"Origami Wolf" by Todd Gilloon


Dear Bookclub,
Wanting to read a bit of "History of Wolves" before writing our blog, I ended up reading the whole thing, trying to find a hook for this entry. Not easily categorized but being a tantalizing mash-up, Fridlund's novel pokes your heart and mind with images, characters and events that will be marvelous to discuss. I don't want to say much for fear of any revealing; the book itself is one big slow reveal. Once you start to read, you will be 'hooked'.

"Mystery Wolves" by Walt Barker

Trudy's suggestions for an upcoming selection:

"What She Ate" by Laura Shapiro

"Before We Were Yours" by Lisa Wingate

"Endurance" by Alfred Lansing

Please research and be ready to vote next week.

Finally, I came across a lovely article about Elizabeth Strout - well lovely sounds like lace and tea and really this is more black linen and saltines. A great piece.

Happy reading,