Thursday, August 8, 2019

August 2019 Bookclub Newsletter


kitchen time
more kitchen time

Dear Bookclub,
A leisurely afternoon lunch at my home resulted in stunned realizations that it was magically 4 pm. No magic, just a very delayed starting time for actual eating, as we enjoyed catching up during my optimistically timed preparation.

getting down to business

Discussion of Imbolo Mbue's "Behold the Dreamers" was excellent as we analyzed the complexities and contrasts between the Cameroonian immigrant family and the wealthy Manhattan family employing Jende. Current events focus Mbue's portrait and story in our hearts and minds, as we process the plights and politics in our own backyard. The antics of the immigration lawyer encouraging an outrageous tale for Jende's asylum-seeking, showcased Mbue's talent in knocking the reader off course with shadings, keeping it 'real'. And spoiler alert, Neni's blackmailing Cindy achieved the same.

My suggestions for an upcoming read:

"Olive Again" Elizabeth Strout
"The Dutch House" Ann Patchett
"Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" Yuval Noah Harari
"Mr. Dickens and His Carol: A Novel" Samantha Silva *chosen (December selection)

Up next:

Happy reading!