Monday, May 2, 2016

May 2016 Bookclub News

Dear Bookclub,
"The Door". An innocuous title for a powerful piece of literature. The unassuming "Door" became tightly focused from the incomprehensible Hungarian to a precise English translation that stirs gratitude for such a process. How easily possible to have never heard of Magda Szabo's work without the efforts of Len Rix and the powers that be in the publishing realm. Ali Smith's introduction to the translated English version becomes more appreciated realizing her personal experience with translators and the enormous faith that is needed to permit the process.

Here is a little blurb about Rix:

A glimpse into the thoughts of Ali Smith on translations:

Searching high and low for the movie... help please! Directed by Ivan Szabo, (no relation) starring Helen Mirren as Emerence:

The trailer:

I am not so good at finding movies to stream but it must be out there somewhere??? Anyone able to find it?

Looking forward to being together this Wednesday, 12:30, the Veranda.
Happy reading!

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