Thursday, February 1, 2018

January 2018 Recap/February 2018

Dear Bookclub,
Camron Wright's "The Rent Collector", discussed 'round a cozy fireside table at Le Bistro de Louisa, presented a world far distant from our cocoon in space and content. The emphasized power of reading endeared us to the characters and provided a renewed clarity as to why it is we read. The reality of the existence of these families, not only in Cambodia, but in dumps in many other countries, is astounding. An NGO built school near a dump in the Philippines  became a magnet as amazingly, more people moved to the dump for the free food and schooling.  

The Stung Meanchey dump was closed several years ago, but many still live and work there.  - The Guardian

Conversation steered away from the plight of the dump families as talk of approaching due dates and very-present grandchildren rang clear. We may need an Excel spreadsheet soon!

Wanda's well-researched suggestions for an upcoming read:
"The Leavers" Lisa Ko
"The Power" Naomi Alderman * chosen
"Saints for All Occasions" J. Courtney Sullivan

Up next: "Before We Were Yours"  by Lisa Wingate

For Huffington Posts' Jackie K. Cooper's glowing review from last summer, touting it to be 'one of the best books of the year':

Happy reading,

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